Sunflowers / Sonnenblumen / Helianthus annuus

With the early turning forest / Mit dem sich recht frueh verfaebenden Wald

6 comments so far...

Fizgig January 23, 2019, 01:20 PM
Looks like a mix of seed & ornamental sunnies.... Pretty =) Nice find & capture!
Sonja January 23, 2019, 03:16 PM
I have actually no idea, if anything of this is meant ornamental or for snacking and birdfood, most of this is grown rather for energy now. There is no box for honour-system vending and it is not on a busy road.
Fizgig January 23, 2019, 05:29 PM
I was referring to the type of sunflowers.... The big tall one in the foreground is the traditional seed bearing type, whereas the smaller centered ones in the background on the right side are non-seeding ornamental sunflowers =)

Sounds like it used to be a managed sunflower field at some point and was abandoned or left to nature.... Whatever the case, I'm sure it was a treat to see =)

Sonja January 24, 2019, 11:07 AM
I think the smal multi-headed yellow background flower on the outer right is likely a Topinambur (Helianthus tuberosus), also a common ernergy crop as well as a trend veggie and a traditonal exotic plant for making hard liquer from roots in the Black Forest, known about as long as the potato. Topi, once grown in a field often survives like a weed amonst other crops and it grows especially well in later sunflower fields as it is a close cousin of true sunflowers anyway. Unlike most fancy sunflowers, like extra low or tall, red or filled varieties, Topi is not just some old F1 hybrid and it sticks faithfully to any spot it conquered unless you sift all the soil through a kitchen sieve, and make the priest perform a handstand and pray a rosary in this position during the field blessing (well, I guess the disgruntled farmer who told me this really wanted to express more likey, that you get never rid of the stuff should you decide to grow something else).
frabax January 25, 2019, 08:32 PM
that would be a nice picture, the priest thing, i would nominate that picture of the year if you manage to shoot it
Sonja January 26, 2019, 03:20 PM
LOL! The owner of the Farmstore has a cute way to express things. I just guess he is not fond of plants that resist his plans. But it seems he prefers Religion over Round-up :o)


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