Only the real thing, no crappy operating systems allowed!
Helicopter / Hubschrauber

On our common. It was some emergency or a test of one, never learned anything about the exact cause. It was just an emergency doctor dropped off and comming back to fly away again after several minutes whilst the pilot stayed and tried to manage onlookers outside. I did not walk out at all but did watch from my kitchen. /
Auf der oeffentlichen Gruenflaeche. Es war wohl ein Notfall oder aber nur eine Uebung. Ich fand nie was ueber die Gruende der Aktion heraus. Jedenfalls kletterte ein Notartzt heraus, kam nach einigen Minuten wieder und flog weg, und in der zwischenzeit versuchte der Pilot draussen die Zuschauer zu baendigen. Ich blieb lieber zuhause und verfolgte das ganze durch das geschlossene Kuechenfenster.

2 comments so far...

MickPt April 05, 2021, 09:39 PM
Interesting pic with various layers. WD.
Sonja April 06, 2021, 11:21 AM
LOL -- Thanks, nice you like that.. . At the time I had very little access to the window, as I was unloading the dishwasher when hell did break loose suddenly. Generally I have choosen the curtain style as a bird watcher in order to take unobstructed pics from the kitchen like out of a blind and not through the upper of the matching fabric stripes. ;o)
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