Shots for and from the videopodcast "Meet the Gimp!".
I would love to hear a comment regarding the white balance and color development...

14 comments so far...

dhania January 01, 2008, 05:17 PM
was genau ist denn Dein Wunsch in Sachen Weißkorrektur hier? ;) Ich würde schätzungsweise erst mal mit ner Gammakorrektur und einem Schwarzpunkt anfangen...

Frohes Neues!

Mainzelmann January 01, 2008, 07:21 PM
Es ist einfach das erste Mal, dass ich bei einem Feuerwerksbild den (tatsächlich eher gelblich orangen) Hintergrund auf grau normiert habe. Auf diese Weise kam die nach wenigen Minuten bereits total verrauchte Umgebung deutlich raus und gegenüber der ursprüngliche Belichtung entfalten die Feuerwerkskörper eine ganz andere Farbigkeit. Ich wollte wissen, ob diese Form der Bildbearbeitung dem Eindruck förderlich ist. Scheint aber nicht so zu sein...
dhania January 01, 2008, 08:29 PM
nunja es ist schwer zu sagen wie es vorher aussah wenn man das hier sieht. Das wäre dann eher was für zwei Bilder - vorher nachher? Und ja es war so neblig-feucht-verraucht dass hier jegliches Fotografieren völlig witzlos war, binnen 2 Minuten sah man nichtmal mehr die Häuserzeile gegneüber.
Rolf Steinort January 01, 2008, 09:42 PM
Ich würde das etwas wärmer machen, das meiste Feuerwerk brennt doch eher gelblich ab.
Rolf Steinort January 01, 2008, 09:43 PM
... und natürlich einmal mitdem Kurventool rüber - versuch mal eine S-Kurve, etwas mehr rechts als mittig.
Mainzelmann October 06, 2010, 05:24 AM
Warum wird eigentlich gerade dieses Bild immer wieder zugespammt?
Victoria Gracia November 27, 2010, 08:03 PM
Difficult to comment about WB as far as I have no clue about what the fireworks colours were.

But for being a fireworks picture is just a bit blown out on the centre of the fireworks. I know... fireworks are really difficult to get right ;)

Mainzelmann November 27, 2010, 10:28 PM
Good return, Victoria :-)
aaaaaaaaand this the first meaningful comment amongst all this commercial spam I have to delete all the time.

I have seriously considered yur point and researched amongst the best fireworks images I know (e.g. here: In most images, even ones far beyond my reach, as the one I did link to, show an overexposed explosion. But there are some (like this: that show no explosion and can thus be done without blown-out area. I guess this depends whether the black powder concussion composition contains much Aluminum (flash) or not (dark).

Victoria Gracia November 28, 2010, 07:06 PM
There is a famous fireworks' contest on July/August going in a town (more or less) near Barcelona, it's called Blanes. For 6 days, the best fireworks makers show their art and of course there is a photo contest.

Even if I don't specially like fireworks (too noisy and crowdy for me) I decided to give it a try this year. The first night almost all my shoots were blown, but the second night I managed to get some decent images as I learned from the first day to shoot right after the explosion and that not all fireworks have the same dynamics.

You can see one of my pictures in my flickr:

I will try to show some more here explaining how I get them.

mramshaw November 30, 2010, 01:41 AM
Seems like an excellent return to me, also!

I like it very much, I think something could be done to the flash area, just not sure what.

Victoria Gracia November 30, 2010, 01:48 PM
I wrote this story about fireworks, hope it's of some help (as far as you inspired me to do it):
Mainzelmann December 07, 2010, 04:31 AM
Like it :-)
Mainzelmann May 22, 2011, 02:39 PM
five spam comments in a row.

wish another Victoria would come by...

Mainzelmann September 17, 2011, 11:33 AM
I absolutely appreciate shoe ads, especially because Mrs. Mainzelmann loves shoes, but, same as with watch ads, they just do not belong here. So please, spammers, go die in a fire. Thank you for co-operation.
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