What does the mirror really show?
Cormorant / Kormoran / Phalacrocorax carbo

Enjoying the sun and building an heraldic eagle / Er genoss die Sonne und baute einen Reichsadler

2 comments so far...

Marvin Matthews February 17, 2019, 12:34 PM
Sonja, this is a most wonderful pix, love the way you have captured the bokeh in the foreground and kept, such sharpness on the bird. Great work.
Sonja February 21, 2019, 09:56 AM
Just sneaky actually. :o)
The shrubbery was very close to the path and dense, the bird rather far away. There was little chance to reach a more open pondshore and catch the pose.

I focussed on the hole with the bird exactly in the middle as this is easiest, and hoped the greenery won't bleed out as far as to reach it. Then much later in the computer I cropped the whole thing to get close to the maximum size for the animal in focus before it gets to pixely at 750x1000 and saved just enough foreground bokeh to get a lively fall colour abstract pushing the sharp level back.
The decision on the birds position and at which side more shrubbey got saved was inspired by the direction of the bill, as pointing outward tends to look stupid and incidental, that simple. :o)

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