Old Storage Building / Altes Lagergebaude

Inside Glorenza town walls / Innerhalb der Stadtmauern von Glurns

4 comments so far...

Fizgig July 31, 2017, 05:58 PM
It's amazing how well these old structures have withstood the test of time & the sometimes rough elements.... I doubt modern structures will prove as hardy.

Beautiful location =)

Marvin Matthews July 31, 2017, 08:38 PM
Thankfully the wars of time seems to have pass the village by.
Sonja August 01, 2017, 09:15 AM
Many market towns and big villages lost part of their rural charm not in the wars, but by modern planing, you see -- the centralized govenments appetite for water energy in the flat country and also getting a big road going through, forming a new life around it at the time trucks with wares started to go across the borders rather than coaches and the train and half of northern Europe wanted to set up camp at the Adria with their individual cars for a holiday.

Glorenza had an advantage that whilst on the crossroads with a pass to Swizzerland in times of old, it is a bit off-center from the direct path of the modern efficient connections in a bottom and also nowhere where building a reservoir seemed opportune like poor Graun. Today everyone who gets there either is having a good everyday cause to be downtown or is a tourist truly intent on visiting and exploring, parking in a huge lot outside the wall. And there some now that are attracted by the flair and walk about, leaving a bit of money lunching and fun shopping, and during special events it gets really packed. It is great for taking pics also outside season as there are few cars and any eyesores are mostly of the temporary kind, things like houses with work done behind a screened scaffolding waiting to get out just even better looking.
Marvin Matthews August 01, 2017, 11:28 PM
Thanks Sonja. Sounds pretty much things over here.
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