ny cheese corp  - p

4 comments so far...

llllllllll November 14, 2007, 01:31 PM
hey inksy -
in case you missed it, check out swoon's beautiful truck!
go to ekosystem.org, and type 'swoon' in the search field (on the right, beneath the tag-cloud).

she's from nyc, too.

awesome artist imo.

insky November 14, 2007, 04:16 PM
cheers ||||||||||! that's a great truck - donna told me she saw it around the other day. i'll keep my eyes peeled. looks like the most recent update to this truck http://www.23hq.com/insky/mfam.
love swoons work and got a brief chance to see her at the brooklyn museum when she was on a panel for 'graffiti women'. i've caught a couple of her pieces around...
llllllllll November 14, 2007, 05:26 PM
nice collection of her work..
wasn't familiar with a lot of these pieces -cool!

do you know if she only does legal / comissioned stuff, or illegal paste-ups as well?
i heard law enforcement in nyc is pretty harsh in nyc - so i was wondering...

a friend of mine has just been to your city for three weeks and he told me there was basically no graffiti at all left there, apart from the buses.

insky November 17, 2007, 06:03 AM
yes and no.
in the central part of town, none at all - bloomberg has declared war on graf. however, the further you move away from the concentric center, the more you find until it is almost overwhelming. on the tourist circuit, no. on the home front, yes. good or bad...someone else's call - hope they can explain/defend the incredibly poor showing of the u.s. educational system in the world ranking - sure there's no correlation, cuz poor kids dont need art - they'll find a camera:)
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