Angel / Engel

This is a depiction of Haiiael, according to it's creatress, and a #71, and on a description marker I am sure are no typos, so there must be a cause it is not written Haiaiel or Hayayel, perhaps just tranlation issues from a language that lacks written vowls. Anyway, if an angel is standing that tall I guess it is less concearned with it's spelling, and I can not spell propperly myself anyway, asides I was apperantly not allowed to talk to it anyway on an august 8th as I am an aquarius and not a fish. I just wonder if that it's schedulle will interest most people just getting into the yard to look without any concept of formal angelology and it's roots and developments at all. One can not expect just anyone in this time to develop a respect of archetypes, egregores, or just noblewomen with a welding torch. / Das hier ist laut der Kuenstlerin eine Darstellung von Haiiael No. 71, und auf einer Erklaerungstafel vor einem Kunstwerk erwarte ich eigentlich keine Tippfehler, also nehme ich an da ist ein Grund fuer die Abweichung von was man nur als Haiaiel oder Hayayel googeln kann, das kommt wohl davon wenn Dinge aus eine Sprache ohne geschriebene Vokale uebersetzt werden. Jedenfalls wird einen Engel dieser Groessenordnung die Rechtschreibung seines Namens vermutlich nicht besonders kuemmern, und ich kann selber sowiso nicht so gut tippen, ausserdem durfte ich am 8ten August auch laut Berschreibung nicht mit ihm reden weil ich kein Fisch sondern ein Wassermann bin. Ich frage mich nur ob sich Menschen die ohne das geringste Konzept von formaler Angeologie in diesem Hof herumwandern sich an solche Anweisungen halten, ob aus Respekt vor einem okkulten Egregor und jungianischen Archetyp oder nur aus Anstand gegenueber einer Dame aus altem Adel mit einem Schweissbrenner.

2 comments so far...

Fizgig December 12, 2018, 06:23 PM
The Tin Man from the Wizard of Oz would drag this one right to the alter.... I certainly wouldn't want to have to look at the eyesore every day -- yeesh! Skill needed to make it is undeniable, but that's where my admiration (and interest) would end.
Sonja December 13, 2018, 12:25 PM
The angels, even the smaller ones, are to tall, cold and androgynous for the Tin Man.
He has already pics of the Dotty Matrix from Space Balls in his locker, that's the kind of girl for him.... decidedly very female with her huge brass knockers and as a former governess bot of a spoiled interplanetary princess well suited to help him with helping the next generation of human kids lost the fantasy land of Oz.. ;o)

I think as opposed to most of its many co-angels this one is really cute looking in the way of an innocent young childs artwork from construction papers -- although I like the classic grown up bronces by the Duchess a lot better and I am a bit unsettled about some of her spiritual family protection attempts doing double duty as public art.

For an artist a lot of magical thinking is generally a good thing and I would of course not really suggest those sheet metall objects to become animated from esotheric angel prayers of just any people following instructions and asking personal selfish favors of sculpted thought form shapes like in a bad horror movie but she should be aware of their initial use to visualize an army with hirarchic command chains up in the heavens to have a sense of control and order, and as above, so below -- and how that idea goes with artistic freedom at all....

Angeology is sure not new and in a way it shows the development of humans analytic progress. If we look at the content of Saint Isidor's Etymologiae as a rudimentary precursor of all modern taxonomy and find all the angels listed just in the same style as the plants and the animals, this is plain to see: angels as kind of an own Regnum amongst the cryptozoology of the known world listed along with the species in the flesh. But if one reverses the process to tap better into their creativity, I suggest to look for inspiration at the animals and trees rather than angels, just any wildlife tangibly around us to watch and experiance will do.

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