A very Happy New Year to all of you!!! I'm very glad to have met you in this great community :) Lots of Love , Frau Feli

19 comments so far...

Volker January 01, 2008, 12:46 PM
istoyanov January 01, 2008, 01:02 PM
A happy 2008 to you too, Feli!!! Lots of kisses from foggy Sofia!!!
FrauFeli January 01, 2008, 01:06 PM
Oh, thanks and a lot of kisses and hugs back! Finally, I'm watching the snow falling...so quiet and pretty :)) (And my boots are at the shoemaker's right now..ohoh.)
dhania January 01, 2008, 01:28 PM
Happy new year to you, too, have a healthy and fun year 2008!
Gergana Vasileva plus January 01, 2008, 07:26 PM
Lots of hugs and kisses from me too, FairyFeli!
You don't need boots, my dear, don't you have your wings OK?!! :******)
FrauFeli January 01, 2008, 08:13 PM
Thanks a lot, Dhania and Gergana! I'm training to use the wings constantly now..all the houses puzzle me a bit, but anyway. ;)))
FrauFeli January 01, 2008, 10:05 PM
Hii, I've got a question, Dear friends!!

Because I earned at my very last city tour a bunch of money (kind of) I'm thinking about buying a Digital camera!!

Of course, it has to be really really cheap and so, no fancy stuff..but maybe, can you give a tip or advice which one might be good or what is important to look for?

Would appreciate your help sooo much!!!
Thanks and hugs and MUUUUAAACCCSSS :))

istoyanov January 01, 2008, 10:48 PM
The cheapest compact digital camera you might get is perhaps the 5Mpix Nikon Coolpix L10 (or its successor -- the L11 @6Mpix). Although this is a entry-level point & shoot camera, I really enjoy shooting with mine that I purchased about two weeks ago for less than EUR100(!), in order to have something really small to carry constantly around with me! On this occasion I have uploaded some really "raw" pictures for you to check out;)
FrauFeli January 01, 2008, 11:19 PM
Hey, thanks for the quick response!! So nice :) I'm checking that one out..I actually found a "canon power shot" for about 64€. Hmm. Have to compare options.

And thanks for uploading! :))

istoyanov January 02, 2008, 12:18 AM
Meanwhile, I also have located the A560 being "offered" for EUR64, but the link points to a charger for the said camera model:\ Bearing in mind that the A560 has a 7Mpix sensor I am a little skeptical that you could find it for less than EUR100...

Anyway, I wish you good luck in this endeavor,Feli, and am getting curious about its result!

FrauFeli January 02, 2008, 12:24 AM
Muhahaha, very funny because I realized just three seconds ago (literally!!) that thing about that bloody(sorry, but disappointed..) charging device!!
Oh Boy, no of course not. But I spotted some camera at "saturn" (don't remember what it was..) for the said price..so, let's hope the best. Keep your fingers crossed :)
llllllllll January 02, 2008, 03:16 PM
hey feli, frohes neues!
wenn du genauer beschreiben kannst, was du mit der kamera machen willst, was dir wichtig an dem ding ist, dann kann ich dir höchstwahrscheinlich weiterhelfen.
FrauFeli January 02, 2008, 06:38 PM
Hi, Neo! Dir auch ein Frohes Neues! Das wäre mir allerdings eine große Hilfe..
Da die Kamera nicht viel kosten darf (auf gar keinen Fall mehr als 100€..*seufz*), muß es erstmal keine MegaMonsterSuperKamera sein.
-Klein muß sie sein, damit sie in meine Jacke passt.
-Mindestens 3fachen optischen Zoom sollte sie haben(hab mich bereits etwas umgeschaut, was es so gibt..)
-das Menü sollte halbwegs übersichtlich sein, und ich mag es nicht, wenn es nur zwei Knöppe für alles gibt und man sich immer durchfrickeln muß.
-der Akku muß was hergeben, dass er nicht gleich wieder absäuft. Mir hat man heute gesagt, dass normale Batterien nicht so der Kracher sind, weil die nicht lange halten. (Ich muß ja eh noch eine Speicherkarte kaufen, und wenn dann noch so viel anderes Zeug dazu kommt, wirds noch viel teurer..)
-Hmm. Soweit wars das erstmal..reicht auch, oder? :)
llllllllll January 03, 2008, 10:14 AM
also klein sind die mittlerweile fast alle,
und das mit (mindestens 3-fachem) zoom wird auch kein problem.
von der menuführung her finde ich canon ungeschlagen,
und es sind (soweit ich weiss) die einzigen,
die auch bei so eher günstigen 'knipsen' manuelle einstellungen
(zeit, blende, schärfe) erlauben.
schau mal die hier an zum beispiel -
ansonsten weiss ich, dass die kleinen von olympus recht gut sind,
die haben prima sensoren.
(immer dran denken, pixelzahl allein sagt jarnüscht).
geh am besten mal in ein geschäft und lass dich beraten.
sag dem verkäufer genau was du willst,
wenn's gut läuft nimmt der die herausforderung an
und berät dich richtig super!
(zwei kumpels von mir waren kameraverkäufer ; )
und wenn der dir einen guten preis macht kauf das ding bei ihm,
wenn nicht geh auf ebay und such dir einen verkäufer der schon lang dabei ist
und gute bewertungen hat.
auf alle fälle würde ich speicherkarte(n) und eventuell nen zweiten akku
(prima sache!) bei ebay kaufen, das bekommst du da echt hinterhergeworfen.

viel erfolg!

Euzkerika Orozco January 03, 2008, 10:19 AM
Happy New Year Feli Berry Faerie!!!!!!!!!!

FrauFeli January 04, 2008, 06:47 PM
Thank you sooo much you all for help!!!
You've been a great help for me, to reduce the number of cameras in question a bit..and to figure out what is most important to me! :))
Mir haben auch grad die Tips von Dir geholfen, Neo! Gut zu wissen, worauf man achten muss oder könnte...
In the end, it was actually really funny, because I first talked to a girl working in that shop (well, she didn't do a bit for the good reputation of women being cracks on technical stuff..or at least she didn't know about the range of cameras they had) and she wanted to sell me that Canon Neo was talking of. I was a bit unsure because the display was really small and the camera itself quite bulky and not that handy, but I told myself..well, when she says and Neo says..And then she gave me a pouch for the camera, and when I checked for colours (being picky...!) and stuff, I asked some guy (he was working there!!) standing next to me for help.
And then, he told me
-that the case wouldn't fit on that camera
-they had just now a memory card on sale, where you got two for the price of one, and this wasn't the one the girl gave to me...
-that he wouldn't have chosen that camera, because there was a very new one with a huuuge display (3"!) on sale and it was reduced from 170€ to 100€ and so quite good quality for that price range.
And it was handy and small and lighter and the options seemed fine to me. And when I paid, I realized that the camera was reduced by even more 20€. Boy.
By the way, it is a Ricoh Caplio RR770. They made the lense of my old analogue camera, and that gave me some good impression as well. It doesn't look really posh or whatever, but I don't care about that that much.
:)))) Sooo happy!!! Finally, a real camera *sigh*
istoyanov January 04, 2008, 07:19 PM
Congrats, Feli!!! Waiting to see nice pictures coming:))
Volker January 04, 2008, 07:30 PM
Feli has a real camera!!!! I'm happy to hear you found a camera. And it seems it was a real "Schnäpchen"! I wish you a lot of fun with it and a lot of nice photos for us! :-)))
FrauFeli January 04, 2008, 07:50 PM
Thanks a lot!!!
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